1.The device used transmitters and receivers whose resonances were tuned to the same frequency, allowing communication between them.
2.Its output sine signal needs to be converted into the same frequency square TTL signal received by the controller shown in Fig. 2.
3.If two beams are to interfere to produce a stable pattern, they must have very nearly the same frequency.
4.If you know the information is updated every few minutes, try to time the Ajax requests to the same frequency.
5.Each of linear, circular and elliptic polarization wave can be decomposed two orthogonal linear polarization wave at the same frequency.
6.To read out the answer, DiCarlo used a microwave tone at the same frequency as the cavity in the system.
7.They figured that different customers could coexist on the same frequency if they did not have to listen to each other routinely.
8.Learning this technique allows you to nurture trust with them more easily because you're communicating on the same frequency.
9.The invention can reduce the same-frequency interference among the cells and improve the channel quality.
10.The resonators, oscillate at the same frequency in a combined elongating (or breathing) mode and bending mode.